PhChroma 3

A full-length digital portrait of a femme fatale with bold red lipstick, smoky eyes, and a black fedora hat, set against a monochrome cityscape, with a stylish and retro film noir aesthetic, created by Tula Lotay.0
A full-length digital portrait of a femme fatale with bold red lipstick, smoky eyes, and a black fedora hat, set against a monochrome cityscape, with a stylish and retro film noir aesthetic, created by Tula Lotay.1
A full-length digital portrait of a femme fatale with bold red lipstick, smoky eyes, and a black fedora hat, set against a monochrome cityscape, with a stylish and retro film noir aesthetic, created by Tula Lotay.2
A full-length digital portrait of a femme fatale with bold red lipstick, smoky eyes, and a black fedora hat, set against a monochrome cityscape, with a stylish and retro film noir aesthetic, created by Tula Lotay.3

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A full-length digital portrait of a femme fatale with bold red lipstick, smoky eyes, and a black fedora hat, set against a monochrome cityscape, with a stylish and retro film noir aesthetic, created by Tula Lotay.
512 x 768

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