Nitro Diffusion

, fluffy, mouse like creature with 3 tails, alien, real, dead, squished

, Comic book, Claymation, Cinematic lighting, Fantasy, Pastel colors, Low contrast0
, fluffy, mouse like creature with 3 tails, alien, real, dead, squished

, Comic book, Claymation, Cinematic lighting, Fantasy, Pastel colors, Low contrast1
, fluffy, mouse like creature with 3 tails, alien, real, dead, squished

, Comic book, Claymation, Cinematic lighting, Fantasy, Pastel colors, Low contrast2
, fluffy, mouse like creature with 3 tails, alien, real, dead, squished

, Comic book, Claymation, Cinematic lighting, Fantasy, Pastel colors, Low contrast3

fluffy, mouse like creature with 3 tails, alien, real, dead, squished

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