Photorealistic, beautifully lit and colorful, minimal, Feminine mid century home office interior design, golden hour, sunset, west elm, straight-on camera angle, designed by wes anderson, Hyper detailed, Film photography, 27mm, Flat depth of field, 8k, Flat lighting, Centered0
Photorealistic, beautifully lit and colorful, minimal, Feminine mid century home office interior design, golden hour, sunset, west elm, straight-on camera angle, designed by wes anderson, Hyper detailed, Film photography, 27mm, Flat depth of field, 8k, Flat lighting, Centered1
Photorealistic, beautifully lit and colorful, minimal, Feminine mid century home office interior design, golden hour, sunset, west elm, straight-on camera angle, designed by wes anderson, Hyper detailed, Film photography, 27mm, Flat depth of field, 8k, Flat lighting, Centered2
Photorealistic, beautifully lit and colorful, minimal, Feminine mid century home office interior design, golden hour, sunset, west elm, straight-on camera angle, designed by wes anderson, Hyper detailed, Film photography, 27mm, Flat depth of field, 8k, Flat lighting, Centered3

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Beautifully lit and colorful, minimal, Feminine mid century home office interior design, golden hour, sunset, west elm, straight-on camera angle, designed by wes anderson
1024 x 768

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