Create AI art

in seconds

An astronaut

An astronaut

Powered by Chroma: A model by Prompt Hunt for creatives.


Made for creatives.
By creatives.

Fast & Simple
Quickly create stunning AI art with just a few clicks, designed for ease and speed.
AI Prompt Templates
Save and share your favorite prompts as templates to streamline your art creation.
Enhanced Privacy
Keep your art private with our privacy mode, ensuring your creations stay uniquely yours.

Meet Chroma

(Our powerful AI Model)

Craft top-quality visuals with incredible speed, control, and detail, using Chroma, our advanced AI model.

Grid of themes

Prompt Templates

Create consistent assets for you and your team. Prompt Hunt makes it easier than ever to create, edit, and share templates.

Designed simple.

Just drag and drop styles or choose a template. Built for beginners, but efficient for prompt engineers.

  • Vector Illustration
  • Isometric
  • Soft Color Palette
  • Golden Hour
    Time of day

Pricing plans


1.99/ mo

  • 50 images / day
  • Privacy mode will help you perfect your creation before sharing
  • Upscale and create variations of your art and much more
  • Create four images at once
  • Cancel anytime


Most popular

9.99/ mo

  • 500 images / day
  • 800 DALL·E images / mo
  • 1200 SDXL images / mo
  • Privacy mode will help you perfect your creation before sharing
  • Upscale and create variations of your art and much more
  • Create four images at once
  • Cancel anytime


14.99/ mo

  • 1000 images / day
  • 800 DALL·E images / mo
  • 1600 SDXL images / mo
  • Privacy mode will help you perfect your creation before sharing
  • Upscale and create variations of your art and much more
  • Create four images at once
  • Cancel anytime